Developing interaction & stimulating innovation to benefit Northern Ireland

Connected is here to encourage, ease and increase potential knowledge exchange links between academia and industry, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

About Us
NWRC and Glenshane Country Farm

NWRC and Glenshane Country Farm

SERC QUB & EcoDepo

SERC QUB & EcoDepo

NWRC and Glenshane Country Farm

NWRC and Glenshane Country Farm

Read Case Study
SERC QUB & EcoDepo

SERC QUB & EcoDepo

Read Case Study

Supported by

belfast metropolitan college
northern regional college
Queen's University Belfast
South west college
Ulster University
Southern Regional College
Open University Partners
north west regional college
South Eastern regional college

About Connected NI

  • Funded by the Department for the Economy, Connected was the first Knowledge Exchange programme in the UK to be delivered across both Higher and Further Education.
  • Through Connected, we can open up a world of expertise and world class facilities to local business.
  • We give companies of all sizes access to the full range of services available from local universities and colleges.

Project Partners

An accumulation of decades of experience

Covering a broad range of expertise

Project Partners

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