NWRC showcase their portfolio of innovation and skills

NWRC showcase their portfolio of innovation and skills
About the Case – Overview
This case study highlights the different innovation and support centres within the NWRC.
Foodovation Centre – provides state-of-the-art facilities, with the knowledge and support of highly-experienced food technologists, that assists businesses to enhance existing products and develop new ones.
XR Hub – contains a variety of facilities, including drone technologies, AR/VR headsets, motion capture suit, 360 and cinematic cameras, and supports industry with the latest knowledge and skills required to embrace these technologies.
DIAL Centre (Design Innovation Assisted Living) – Driving innovative solutions and skilled support for the health and care sector and living well. The state-of-the-art home simulation environment seeks to promote independent living and allows local businesses to showcase their products and get feedback from end users.
Product Design Centre (PDC) – assists entrepreneurs and businesses to develop new products utilising the latest knowledge in engineering and product design and additive manufacturing equipment such as 3D printers, laser cutters and CNCs.
i4.0 Centre – this centre was created in response to demand from SMEs seeking training in industry 4.0 technologies, such as automation, robotics and internet of things. The centre provides training and upskilling to local businesses.
Connected has played a key role in these NWRC centres, enabling staff to view international best practice, scope and develop plans for the Centres and then engage with business to ensure they are representative of business needs.
Our business has benefited greatly from working with Foodovation centre. They have helped us in sourcing bottles, labelling and food safety information to take our food to the market. I would highly recommend the Foodovation Centre, they will help you understand your product better than you do yourself.
Justyn Nicholl Hidden City Café.