NWRC XR Hub Trip to Games & Technology Conference in Japan
Connected recently supported an international know-how and best practice visit to the Tokyo Games Show in Japan. Members of the XR Hub at NWRC attended the event. The XR Hub works as part of the Business Support team at NWRC and helps businesses with upskilling, product development, and process improvement around XR technologies.
It was a 4-day event showcasing many of the new technologies in gaming, XR, animation, and in AI.
New XR Technologies were researched and included motion-based VR, live tracking systems, Audio based technology, and much more. New hardware was reviewed as well as development tools. The team also met with various colleges both Japanese and International.
The XR Hub team are now much better informed on upcoming tools, technology, and best practices.
Thanks to the visit we have learned some great new use cases that XR technologies can be used for. We are now better placed to make future decisions on technology for the centre, we have gained great insights into industry tools and hardware and are in an even better position to help facilitate companies.
Jim Murray, XR Hub Manager, North West Regional College