Nurturing & Growing Innovation

Nurturing & Growing Innovation
Omagh Campus
2 Mountjoy Road
BT79 7AH
Key Contact: Barry McCarron
South West College is an innovative and progressive institution which has won awards in many areas of Green Energy.
The most recent being from the Queens Anniversary Trust for Outstanding work in the Sustainability in Northern Ireland.
The Business and Industry Support department at South West College (www.theinnotechcentre.com). The Centre has a team of 25 staff delivering on some 200 industry projects per annum. The Centre provides industry linked R&D, innovation support and technology mentoring, bringing innovative technological and management solutions to real-world industrial problems.
Key areas of innovation include engineering design, electronics, software, energy, science and construction. The South West College operates in four campuses in Cookstown, Dungannon, Enniskillen and Omagh and, of the six new area based colleges, it is the smallest in size, but arguably, covers the largest geographical area of counties Tyrone and Fermanagh.
Key areas of expertise include: